Frequently Asked Questions

What if our tour has to be cancelled due to weather or water conditions?

We will attempt to reschedule your tour for a different location or day/time. If you aren’t able to reschedule then we will issue a gift certificate or full refund.

Can I transport a rental bike in the cargo area (trunk, hatch, truck bed, etc) of my vehicle?

We don’t allow rental bikes to be transported in this manner because it can lead to misadjusted or damaged bike components. If this happens on your way to your ride, it can make the bike inoperable and really bum out your ride. It also causes additional time and expense for us and makes the bikes less functional and reliable for future riders.

We’ve got you covered though! We rent bike racks that hold up to 3 bikes and will fit on most vehicles.

Do I need a rack to transport stand up paddleboards on the roof of my vehicle?

While a rack makes it easier, it is not necessary. We can set you up to transport at least 2 paddle boards on nearly any vehicle.